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Lift the ceiling on sustainable high performance in your organisation

Is there a large and growing gap between present demands and your people’s capacity to meet them?

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Increase leadership effectiveness

Improve and harness wellness

Generate sustainable high performance


Key focus areas

We partner with executive teams who aspire to create the leadership capacity, wellness, and environment for sustainable high performance.

Our key focus areas:

  • Lift capacity: facilitate the vertical development of your leaders to better manage complexity, navigate change, and lead effectively

  • Harness wellness: boost the wellness and resilience of your leaders and professionals, as a core foundation

  • Align design: design the organisation to synchronise with optimal human functioning


What our clients say

The focus on effecting real and sustainable workplace change, is creating a paradigm shift in how we as an employer invest in the wellness and performance of our people.

A paradigm shift in how organisations lift the performance ceiling

There is a large divide between knowing and doing. Sustainable high performance does not occur in a vacuum - a paradigm shift, involving systemic change and lifting leadership ceilings is key.

Our science-based methodology is designed to close the divide between knowing and doing. It is:

  • Research-led

  • Based on the principles of human functioning

  • Technology and data-driven

  • All-encompasing and multi-disciplinary

Our services

Transformative Insights

The full suite of our capabilities to lift the ceiling on sustainable high performance.

Programmes & Projects

A component programme or bespoke project to target specific challenges in your organisation.

Research & Advisory

Thought-leadership based advisory and client-centred research studies.

 Our process for partnering with you

Step 1

Schedule a complimentary conversation to discuss your aspirations for sustainable high performance

Step 2

Clarify the value opportunity and co-design the best way to align our services with your specific needs

Step 3

Deliver the transformative programme to lift the ceiling on sustainable high performance

Step 4

Provide ongoing insights reporting and programme evaluation to finetune the approach


What our programme participants say

Your programme and guidance is life-changing, and I am very grateful for the time, effort and energy you have put into helping me embed sustainable changes that are having such a big impact on my day-to-day functioning.
— Alice, Programme Participant

A team of global thought-leaders, researchers and change agents

 We have a global network of executive advisors, leadership coaches, wellness specialists & health coaches, and precision data partners. They are each leading experts and thought leaders in their field.


Interested in our services?
Schedule a complimentary conversation to discuss your aspirations and needs.